Accelerating Business Growth with NPS-Driven Customer Insights for an Automotive Client
Our client is a leading automobile manufacturer in the country. They wanted to improve and optimise their customer feedback system.
Essentially, Numr Research faced four main challenges.
Particularly, our client wanted to establish a method to continually collect and analyse customer feedback across multiple touch points. Therefore, for this, they needed an integrated platform to administer the plan and draw rich insights from the data.
Previously, customer feedback was only collected sporadically, as an after-service pen to paper survey. By the time the analysis was performed, a lot of time had elapsed. Since, the feedback report wasn’t in real time, it wasn’t actionable. In short, our automobile client wanted actionable data.
Additionally, the data didn’t capture individual performance. The report was based on the dealership, as a whole. In effect, this made it difficult to discern the exact source of a problem.
Furthermore, this method was based on merely one touch point in the automobile Industry- Service. It did not examine Pre- Sales or Sales.
So, in order to establish a continuous chain of ongoing customer feedback, Numr Research deployed its platform to track Customer Experience across all touch points.
Via extensive surveys, Numr Research analysed various pre-sales factors such as how an automobile test drive went, whether the car shown met the requirements of the customer, and many more. These measures were then tracked against conversion to evaluate which dealerships were doing pre-sales well and examine the reasons.
Numr Research also tracked how many people came back (with questions or problems) after the delivery of the car. This helped the management figure out which Sales Centres were generating overly negative feedback and why. This made it easier to close the complaint loop promptly and effectively.
One of the most crucial metric that Numr Research now tracks for the client is NPS or Net Promoter Score. Service is the only point of multiple interactions of an automobile manufacturer with a customer, and is therefore important to track. Numr Research’s platform allows the client to access real time NPS, and derive insights into the various factors that are driving the score up or down.
Our client understood that open ended text is one of the richest sources of Customer Feedback. Therefore, Numr Research utilised Text Analytics to analyse customer comments to obtain emerging issues and repetitive problems. This enabled our client to immediately close the feedback loop and ensure that the customer is satisfied.
Our client now records NPS® to track Customer Experience across all dealerships and Service Centre to effectively close feedback/complaint loops.
Additionally, with Numr Research’s platform, all dealership/area managers now have reports at their level, in order to understand customer issues in real time and promptly fix them.
This has led to an increase in the overall Net Promoter Score of the automobile company.
*Net promoter Score® and NPS® are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Satmetrix and Fred Reichheld
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