Consumer Goods

Elevating Brand Perception with AI-Driven Customer Insights for a Consumer Durables Leader


Our client in the case study is a leading luggage company in India. They wanted us to find out their brand perception. To differentiate themselves in the market, they also wanted to understand the consumer perception of their competition.

Basically, they wanted to position themselves in a way that would have the highest impact on their brand NPS®.

The Numr Solution

We used our agile platform to fulfil our client’s needs. Time and again, we have said this. The best way to find out what consumers think is to ask them directly. So, we surveyed consumers online.  

Step 1- Online Survey Panel

We surveyed 150 respondents each from 4 metro and 4 non-metro towns. (Class A towns)

Then, we asked them a variety of questions not just about our client’s brand but also the competition. For example,  

  • Which of these luggage brands have you bought in the past 3 years?
  • NPS® for all leading luggage brands in India, and so on

FINDING- NPS® drives Growth

We measured the NPS® score for various luggage brands.  

Our client’s NPS® was 23 compared to the market leader. (NPS®- 42)

Then, we looked at the growth rate in market share of these brands over the last 3 years. (The data was available from GfK). When we plotted the NPS® against the growth rate, we found a very strong co-relation between them.  

This proved that NPS® is a driver of Growth. Therefore, the next question was- how do we improve our client’s NPS®.

Step 2- Intuitive Association for Brand Perception

We used Intuitive Association to understand what’s driving that NPS® score. Clearly, consumers associate different notions/ideas with different brands.  

For example, the words strongly associated with our client’s brand were-

Good looking
Range of products

However, for one of the competitions they were-

  • Durable
  • Cheap
  • Quality

Step 3- Brand Awareness vc Brand Strength

We found out the impact Salience and Brand perception has on the NPS® score.

We tried to answer this question.  

What drives Brand? Is it just salience (through ads) or it is Brand Values (identified with Intuitive Association)?

Unsurprisingly, it is a combination of both.  

For example, Brand A invests heavily on advertising. Hence, most consumers are aware of it. On the other hand, our client has less salience but high brand value because it is perceived to be ‘premium’ and ‘good looking’. This is what drives their NPS®. It’s purely word of mouth.  


  1. Found our client’s NPS® (23) vs the competition  
  2. Formed word-clouds using Intuitive Association of phrases consumers associate with our client vs the competition
  3. Discovered minute insights to help differentiate and position our client’s brand.

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