
Transforming Customer Feedback into Loyalty with Data-driven CX Strategies for a Leading Digital Infrastructure Company


1. In 2 years, Colt’s NPS reaches 71.4 in Europe.

2. With customers in around 150 countries, Colt knew that they need a ‘best-in-class' CX program to reach their goal of being the most customer-oriented business in their industry. The company teamed up with NumrCXM to understand and improve their customer experience.

3. Using various Numr solutions- such as Text Analytics, Drivers Analysis, AMS - Colt is continuously listening to customers across multiple touchpoints and countries.

4. Since teaming up with Numr, Colt’s has hit a record high NPS of 71.4 in Europe and 46 in Asia.

About Colt Technology Services


Established in London in 1992, Colt Technology Services is a telecom company with offices in 21 countries. With over 900 data centers and customers in around 150 countries, Colt is a complex organization.

The company’s goal is to “transform the way the world works through the power of connectivity”. Over the last quarter of the century, Colt has built its reputation by putting customers first. Their guiding vision is to become the most customer-oriented business in their industry.

While most telecom providers differentiate themselves only on the basis of price or product, Colt chooses to focus on customer experience as both brand and a plan to improve business outcomes.

The Challenge

Although Colt’s previous CEM solution was measuring NPS, it was not able to generate the insights needed to actually drive improvement. Furthermore, since the survey was lengthy and outdated, the data obtained was neither granular nor actionable. So, Colt set out to find a CEM solution that was agile, consultative, and could understand their unique business needs. The solution would cover their 4 main business areas- Sales, Delivery, Network Operations, and Customer Service.

In short, Colt was looking for a result-oriented CEM program.

For this, Colt selected NumrCXM.

“We looked at a number of CEM companies that could aid our CX journey. We decided on Numr because it is the best combination of the technology and consultancy we want. They keenly understood our complex requirements and goals.”

-Noah Roychowdhury, Head of Customer Intelligence, Colt Technology Service

The Solution

Numr worked with Colt to design a customer experience program to achieve its goals of improving NPS, reducing customer issues, and increasing the ease of doing business.

· Net Easy Score (NES) as the metric for Transactional Surveys

When Numr ran models on Colt’s response files from the last 2 years, they discovered that the NPS model was unable to justify transactional survey data. Which meant that NPS was not an appropriate metric for Colt’s transactional surveys.

Net Easy Score (a metric that measure how easy it is for a customer to complete a transaction) proved to be a more accurate indicator of post-transactional customer satisfaction. Therefore, Colt decided on NES as their main metric for transactional surveys.

Colt's modified survey are drastically shorter and consist only of the Net Easy question, an open comment box, and drilldowns. Colt uses NES surveys at all 4 touchpoints- Sale, Delivery, Network Operations, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management).

In addition, Colt conducts quarterly NPS surveys to understand the company’s relationship with its customers.

· Strategies guided by the Voice of the customer

NumrCXM provided Colt with quarterly reports and recommendations. With Machine Learning, Numr identified key drivers that have the highest impact on customer satisfaction. Armed with valuable insights, Colt’s customer intelligence team is now empowered to take action on customer concerns. For example, Colt has introduced chatbots to reduce the time customers spend while seeking help.

This, along with strategies across network quality, service, support have improved Colt’s customer experience and NPS.

In the last 24 months, targeted action along with a focus on reducing customer effort have turned Colt’s passive customers into promoters.

· Closed loop system for customer feedback

Colt’s CEM program is closed-loop enabled. After a customer interacts with Colt, a feedback survey is automatically triggered. Furthermore, with Numr’s Alert Management System, Colt employees are empowered to take quick action on customer issues.


In a span of 24 months, Colt has achieved a record high NPS of 71.4 in Europe and 46 in Asia. This is the cumulative result of focusing on customer pain points and developing initiatives that address those, at the management level.

By adopting a system that delivers real-time insights to the right people, Colt has been able to prioritize areas that have the biggest impact on customer satisfaction.

All of this has resulted in Colt’s NPS numbers skyrocketing across the board. For example, the NPS for ‘Service Management’ increased by 17 points.

In short, Colt has not only decreased customer pain, but has also increased loyalty. With Numr’s multi-national, multi-touchpoint CX program, Colt is delivering a truly global experience to its customers.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

At a Glance

The Solution‍


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