
Transforming Passenger Experience with Open-Ended Feedback Systems for a Leading International Airline

Client- Jet Airways

Service rendered- NPS® and Text Analytics (Comment Analysis)

Jet Airways is an erstwhile Indian international airline. Before ceasing operations, it held the last share in the commercial passenger airline segment in India.


Jet Airways contacted Numr to refurnish its customer experience system. They wanted to use NPS® to obtain granular insights that they could use to run everyday operations.

Therefore, we did a complete overhaul of their CX initiative to find research-backed data that was also highly actionable.

Mainly, we had 3 challenges.

  1. Find out customer satisfaction (NPS®) for various segments, such as,
  2. On-time vs Delayed Flight,
  3. Economy vs Premiere vs First Class, etc.
  4. Find out factors/drivers that have the highest impact on NPS®, such as
  5. Wait time
  6. Cabin cleanliness
  7. In flight meal, etc.
  8. Analyse comments to find out emerging issues that often get missed in a traditional feedback survey

The Numr SolutionSTEP 1- CREATE THE SURVEYWe created a short survey with specific drilldowns and an open comment box. Short surveys usually have a higher response rate, which is why we kept ours under a minute.

jet airways customer experience nps case study

The survey was send immediately after touchdown to increase the accuracy of the feedback.FINDING 1– DELAYED FLIGHTS HAD LOWER NPS®Customers were unhappy on delayed flights.Interestingly, customers were angrier if the flights were delayed early morning or late night as compared to during the day. (see chart 1)

jet airways customer experience nps case study

(CHART 1)In additions, we also found out best performing city, airport, and much more.STEP 2- KEY DRIVERS ANALYSISKey Drivers Analysis allows companies to fix/prioritise the most important factor and quickly increase their NPS.By analysing various drilldowns, we found out the drivers that had the highest impact on customer satisfaction. What’s more, we also set specific internal targets to further improve the overall CX. (see chart 2)

jet airways customer experience nps case study

(CHART 2)FINDING 2– Boarding experience,In-flight meal, and Cabin appearance have the highest impact on overall customer experience.

jet airways customer experience nps case study

(CHART 3)Additionally,In-flight meal has the highest impact on NPS for on-time flights.On the other hand,For delayed flights, boarding experience has the strongest effect on customer satisfaction.

jet airways customer experience nps case study
jet airways customer experience nps case study

(CHART 4)STEP 3- COMMENT ANALYSISUsing Machine Learning and Text Analytics, we created word clouds from comments to understand emerging issues.

jet airways customer experience nps case study

(CHART 5)FINDING 3– “Hours”, “time”, “boarding gate”, “bad experience” were the words that commonly came up in comments (for boarding experience).This suggests that customers must have found the boarding process to be time consuming and arduous, which made them unhappy.STEP 4- EMPOWER THE AIRPORT MANAGERS WITH REAL-TIME, AGILE DASHBOARDSSince, Numr is an agile solution, everything was done in a collaborative, real-time format.We created role-based, easy-to-understand and customisable dashboards. See chart 2.These dashboards allowed the airport managers to quickly discover common issues. By promptly fix them at their level, they prevented them from becoming huge problems later on.Result

  • In just the first 4 months, NPS® increased from -3 to 6.
  • With comment analysis, we were able to provide Jet with insights that would have otherwise been missed.
  • Our agile, collaborative platform empowered the frontline to fix common issues by themselves.

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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